Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Figurative Language Games

The best figurative language game I played tonight is Paint by Idiom because i got the highest score. In order to play this game, I had to Paint by Idiom. My final score on this game was 17/17. If you want to play this game, go to funbrain.com.

Another enjoyable figurative language game is grammar because again i got a high score. In order to play this game, I had to arrange the words to their meaning. My final score on this game was 13/14. If you want to play this game, go to learnenglish.org.

My least favorite figurative language game is Metaphors Battleship because i lost. In order to play this game, I had to play against a computer and try to answer the questions it gave for hitting its ship and if you hit it wrong then you miss. My final score on this game was it didnt give a score, its said sorry you lost. If you want to play this game, go to quia.com.

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